Technical Information For Metal hoses
Stainless flex hoses are pipes made of flexible stainless steel. These hoses are generally used for the transfer of water, gas or other liquids. Thanks to their stainless steel construction, they are durable and rustproof, making them long-lasting and suitable for a variety of applications. They are preferred in many industrial and domestic areas of use due to their flexibility, ease of installation and durability.
Stainless Flex Hose Usage Areas
Stainless flex hoses are used in a variety of industrial and commercial applications due to their flexibility and the fact that they are made of stainless steel. Here are some common uses of stainless flex hoses:
1. **Water and Gas Transport**: Stainless flex hoses can be used to transport liquids or gases such as water and gas. This is commonly seen in water or gas distribution systems in industrial facilities, homes or commercial buildings.
2. **Heat Exchange Systems**: Heat exchange systems are used to transfer heat from one place to another. Stainless flex hoses can be used to provide heat transfer in such systems.
3. **Chemical Industry**: In the chemical industry, stainless flex hoses can be used for the transportation and processing of various chemicals. These can be a safe and durable option thanks to their chemical resistance and stainless steel construction.
4. **Air Compressors and Vacuum Pumps**: Stainless flex hoses can be used to transmit air or vacuum by using them with equipment such as air compressors or vacuum pumps.
5. **Food and Beverage Industry**: Stainless flex hoses can be used in the food and beverage industry as a hygienic and safe transportation solution. This is a common practice for transporting or processing liquid foodstuffs.
6. **Fire Extinguishing Systems**: Stainless flex hoses can be used in fire extinguishing systems. It ensures the transmission of water in case of fire by using it with equipment such as fire hoses and fire sprinklers.
These areas of use show that stainless flex hoses play an important role in various industries and applications.
Stainless Flex Hose Types
Stainless flex hoses come in various types to suit different requirements and uses. Here are some types of stainless flex hose commonly available:
1. **Bendable Stainless Flex Hoses**: These hoses offer bendability into a variety of shapes and sizes. This feature is ideal for meeting different installation requirements.
2. **Spiral Wrapped Stainless Flex Hoses**: These types of hoses provide flexibility and durability by being wrapped in a spiral shape. Ideal for high pressure applications.
3. **Straight Stainless Flex Hoses**: Those with a straight design are used for applications that do not require any specific bending or bending. They are generally used in fixed installations.
4. **Precision Stainless Flex Hoses**: They are designed for sensitive industrial applications and are specially manufactured for situations requiring high precision.
5. **Vibration Damped Stainless Flex Hoses**: Designed to reduce or dampen vibrations. This is commonly used in systems associated with motors or other vibrating equipment.
6. **Fire Extinguishing Hoses**: Specially designed for use in fire extinguishing systems. They are resistant to high pressure and fire resistant.
These varieties show that stainless flex hoses are designed and used for different applications. Requirements and environmental conditions must be taken into account to evaluate whether the hose to be selected is suitable for a particular application.
Things to Consider When Choosing Stainless Flex Hose
There are a few important issues to consider when choosing stainless flex hose. Here are some of these topics:
1. **Application Area and Working Conditions**: First, the application area and working conditions where the hose will be used should be taken into consideration. This involves determining the temperature, pressure, chemicals and other environmental factors the hose will be exposed to.
2. **Pipe Diameter and Length**: It is important to choose a hose of the correct diameter and length. Choosing a hose with a diameter and length that suits your needs can help optimize system performance.
3. **Pressure Resistance**: Make sure the hose can withstand the pressure levels required by your application. For high pressure applications it is important to choose a hose with particularly high pressure resistance.
4. **Flexibility and Bendability**: Flexibility and bendability is an important factor during the assembly and use of the hose. The bendability of the hose can make installation and transportation easier and make your system more flexible.
5. **Material Quality**: Stainless steel is a durable and corrosion-resistant material, but it is important that the other components of the hose are also of good quality. The quality of gasket material, fittings, and other components can affect the long-term durability of your hose.
6. **Certifications and Standards**: It is important to check whether the hose complies with certain industry standards or certifications. This can help ensure that the hose meets certain safety and performance criteria.
7. **Ease of Maintenance**: The hose should be easy to maintain and clean. This can help maintain long-term performance and extend the life of the hose.
These factors include some important considerations when choosing stainless flex hose. It is important to choose the right hose, taking into account the requirements of your application and environmental conditions.
Product description Pressure equipment type: Stainless steel hose lines, PTFE hose lines in various versions (nominal sizes, lengths, materials, connection fittings etc.) Designation: In accordance with HİDROMAN nomenclature Marking (minimum scope): Manufacturer's marking (HF-I0)/ Manufacturing date (MM, YYYY) Use: Only as intended !
1.1 GENERAL The hose lines are designed for the prevailing operating conditions. They are manufactured by expert personnel using proven and approved manufacturing methods. The hose lines undergo a final inspection, including a leak and/or pressure test. The hose lines are marked with the most important information. The hose lines comply with “sound engineering practice” according to Article 3 Section 3 of the Pressure Equipment Directive 97/23/EC or the standards specified in the order.
1.2 STORAGE Adequate protection against damage, contamination, the weather etc. must be provided. The effects of chlorides, bromides, iodides, and extraneous and film rust must be avoided. Hose lines must be stored in a dry, strainfree and kink-free state. When stored wound up, the radius of the hose line must not be less than the minimum static bending radius. Assuming the correct storage conditions, there are no restrictions on storage time for metal and PTFE hose lines with braiding and fittings made from chromium-nickel stainless steel. In the case of zinc-coated or painted steel fittings, storage time depends largely on the storage conditions and is usually limited.
1.3 INSTALLATION • Hose lines may be assembled and installed only by appropriately qualified personnel. • The guidelines for handling and fitting HİDROMAN hose lines must be observed. Some important points in the guidelines are highlighted below: • No axial loads (tension or compressive buckling) • No torsional loads (to avoid torsional loads, the longitudinal axis of the hose and the direction of motion must lie in the same plane). • The minimum static and dynamic bending radius in accordance with the datasheet or with the information on the drawing must be observed. • Check any separable connections for proper seating before commissioning. • Damaged hose lines must not be installed or commissioned. • Cover the hose lines to protect them against weld splatter and grinding dust when working on the equipment.
1.4 COMMISSIONING/ OPERATION During commissioning and operation, the permissible limiting values (pressure, temperature, bending radii, medium concentration) must be observed. The hose lines may be used only in accordance with the designer's intention (intended pressure, temperature, medium, movement). Where flowing media are used, the lines must be bled of air during filling. Because of their compressibility, any gaseous fluids remaining in the lines represent a serious hazard and could potentially lead to a higher classification and stricter requirements becoming applicable to the product. The resistance of the materials the medium flows through must be checked for the specific medium used. A definitive statement of the resistance of hose lines can normally be gained only by practical experience of opera.
Incrustations in the medium flowing through the products can lead to corrosion damage. Incrustations also reduce the flexibility of the hose lines and lead to premature failure. A safety datasheet for the medium must be kept available. In situations with high operating temperatures, the high thermal conductivity of metallic materials means there is a risk of burns if the hose line is touched. The appropriate measures must be put in place (protection against contact, warning notices, barriers). Safety measures against whipping hose lines must also be in place. Electrically conductive materials and adequate equipotential wiring or earthing must be used where there is risk of electrostatic discharge (PTFE hoses). The movement of the hoses must not be restricted, otherwise there is the risk of abrasive wear. Hose lines must always be installed and operated in such a way that they present no danger to people or the environment. Protective measures must be put in place against any remaining unmitigated hazards. Technical and organisational measures for the safe use of hose lines are described in Information Sheet T 002 published by BG Chemie.
1.5 MAINTENANCE The intervals for external and internal inspections must be determined taking into account the load and the degree of danger. A qualified person must check to see that the item is safe to use at work and must record the findings. Hose lines with damaged braiding must be replaced immediately. Repairs to rectify leaks on hose lines or at connections by welding, wrapping etc. are not permitted. Damage caused by mechanical cleaning, use of unsuitable cleaning materials etc. must be avoided.
2.1 CORRECT ROLLING UP AND ROLLING OUT Pulling on the ends of rolled-out hose lines must be avoided in order not to subject them to damaging torsional loads. In addition, the radius of the hose line must not be smaller than its smallest permissible bending radius. These mistakes can be avoided by rolling up and rolling out the hose lines correctly.
2.2 CORRECT LENGTH If the length of the hose is too short, hose lines become kinked at the connection points. A straight length of at least 1 x DN per connection point must be added to the length calculated from the bending radius.
2.3 APPROPRIATE BENDING The incorrect installation of hose lines can lead to excessive bending of the hose lines at the connections. This mistake can be avoided by the use of pipe bends.
2.4 PREVENTION OF KINKS Laying the hose line over a saddle or a roller of the appropriate diameter prevents the hose line from kinking.
2.5 PREVENTION OF BUCKLING Incorrect installation can lead to compression of the hose on its longitudinal axis. This mistake can occur as a result of poor installation or the movement of the hose line and leads to the braiding separating from the hose. Once this happens, the pressure resistance of the hose cannot be guaranteed. Hose lines with braiding are therefore not suitable as a means of compensating for axial expansion. Axial expansion can be accommodated by hose lines installed in a U-shape.
2.6 TORSIONAL MOVEMENT The greatest mistake during installation is to end up with the hose line twisting during operation. Torsional movement leads to early failure of the hose line. Ensure that the pipe and hose axes and the direction of movement lie in the same plane. During installation, the hose line must be held with a second spanner. This ensures that the hose line cannot be subjected to torsion during installation.
4.2 CALCULATION OF OPERATING PRESSURE AND BENDING RADIUS The permissible operating pressure is: PU = PN · kt · kd The permissible bending radius is: Rd = RN 2.8 (1.1 + PU PN + 1 kd + 1 kt ) PU = permissible operating pressure in bar PN = nominal pressure in accordance with table in bar kd = dynamic reduction factor kt = thermal reduction factor Rd = bending radius for frequent bending Rd = nominal bending radius for frequent bending
6.1 TECHNICAL DATA Z Z Z 4 5 2 1 3 6 6 Gap- and burr-free weld bead Nominal length Based on DIN 2827 HİDROMAN annular corrugated höse FBA.......................Material 1.4404 Braiding.............................................Material 1.4301 End sleeves....................Material 1.4301 DIN 11851 screw connection (other connections available)........................................Material 1.4404
Threaded element DIN 11851 screw connection (other connections available)..Material 1.4404
6.2 THE CRITICAL DIFFERENCE IN THE HİDROMAN... ANNULAR CORRUGATED HOSE The profile of the FB... hose type The profile of the FPC... / PC... hose type Flow during the cleaning process Wide wave with a width/height ratio = 1:1 High wave with a width/height ratio >= 1:2 Simple vortex cleans and flushes residues completely out of the corrugated profile Double vortex reduces effectiveness of cleaning and flushing residues.
14 Metal hoses – Date: 10/2015 Date: Signature: Name in BLOCK CAPITALS: Frequency of movement Angular +/- Ind. service life (number of load cycles) Lateral +/- Flow velocity (m/s) Axial +/- EXTERNAL INFLUENCES: INSTALLATION / USE: SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: Questionnaire Choice of Expansion Joints ¨ OFFER ¨ CUST Offer No.: Date: ¨ ORDER ¨ CUST Order No.: Dispatch by ¨ Courier ¨ Night delivery ¨ Mail / post ¨ Freight company ¨ Truck load Dispatch to CUSTOMER NO.: Company: City: Contact person: Tel.: Fax: e-mail: Bellows Inner guide pipe Connections Total length measured over all (mm) Internal pressure value (bar pressure) Bending radius (mm) Type of connections External pressure value (bar pressure) Pumping medium temperature (°C) Ambient temperature (°C) Nominal width (mm) Pumping medium Material of the Flow rate (m3/h) TECHNICAL INFORMATION – EXPANSION JOINT TO BE FILLED OUT BY HİDROMAN Accepted on: By Ms/Mr: Tel.: To be processed by (date): e-mail: Intended purpose: Quantity: General comments Movement load
15 MECHANICAL INFLUENCES: CORROSIVE INFLUENCES: Operating pressure, constant (bar) Temperature, constant (°C) Operating pressure, intermittent (bar) Temperature, fluctuating (°C), from-to Test pressure (bar) Flow medium* *for acidic concentrations OPERATING CONDITIONS Please enter the operating conditions Total length measured over all (mm) Connection 1 Connection 2 Nominal width (mm) TECHNICAL INFORMATION – HOSE LINE Please enter the technical information Hose Braiding Connections MATERIAL Please enter the applicable material of the Hose protector Questionnaire Choice of Hose Lines (Page 1 of 2) g ¨ OFFER ¨ CUST Offer No.: Date: ¨ ORDER ¨ CUST Order No.: CUSTOMER NO.: Company: City: Contact person: Tel.: Fax: e-mail: TO BE FILLED OUT BY HİDROMAN Accepted on: By Ms/Mr: Tel.: To be processed by (date): e-mail: Intended purpose: Quantity: T Technical Information 16 Metal hoses – Date: 10/2015 BENDING RADIUS (mm): LOAD CYCLE (mm): WHAT MOVEMENTS MUST BE ACCOMMODATED BY THE HOSE? Please provide a sketch of the installation situation ¨ Pressure test ¨ Helium leak test ¨ Flushing and cleaning ¨ Special embossing ¨ No vibration, slight, slow movement ¨ Slight vibration, uniform movement ¨ Significant vibration with rhythmic continuous movement MOVEMENT TYPE ADDITIONAL SERVICES APPROVALS Please select the corresponding movement type CE, DNV GL, GSI SLV, DVGW, DB etc. Questionnaire Choice of Hose Lines (Page 2 of 2) General comments Dispatch by ¨ Courier ¨ Night delivery ¨ Mail / post ¨ Freight company ¨ Truck load Dispatch to Date: Signature: Name in BLOCK CAPITALS: